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Two Simple Tips for Fighting Mould and Mildew on Your Reusable Shopping Bags


A reusable shopping bag is not only a fashionable accessory but an eco-friendly statement that helps you save money in the long run. This is only possible, however, if you actually take care of your shopping bags in the first place.

So without further ado, here are a few top tips to help you fight the growth of mould and mildew on your shopping bags:

Rotate your shopping bags

Mould and mildew cannot grow well when there’s a lot of sunshine and fresh air blowing about. You can expose your bag to a lot of this sunshine and fresh air simply by bringing out your bags and using them whenever you can. This is why you almost never find mould and mildew on the bags you use regularly.

It is for this reason that you have to use all your bags on a rotating basis. This will ensure that no bag will be neglected and find itself getting infested with fungal growths. A good rule of thumb here is to arrange your bags in such a way where you put the most recently used bags at the back or at the bottom of the bunch. All you will need to do is grab the nearest bag and you’ll be good to go!

Clean up dust, spills and stains

All it takes is a little dirt and extra water to get fungal colonies up and running. This is especially true for bags made of paper, cotton, jute or other fibrous materials. These types of bags give mould and mildew a lot of crevices to plant their spores and hold the roots once the spores start growing.

It is for this reason that you must check all your bags for dirt and spills after using them. If you are dealing with dry dirt, simply use a dry, soft-bristled brush to physically remove the said dirt followed by a good vacuuming. This approach also works well when dust manages to collect on your shopping bags. For wet spots, simply pat dry with a towel. If stains come up, then your solution will depend on the material of the bag. Plastic is a cinch to clean since all you’ll need is a moist rag. If the bag is made of cotton, jute or a similar cloth-based material, simply spot-treat the area with bleach that will not blemish coloured garments. Gently wipe with a wet towel and pat dry with a dry one. If the bag is made of paper though, then your only choice may be to dispose of it as it is much harder to clean paper than cloth or plastic.

Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be able to better prevent mould and mildew from settling on your shopping bags!

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