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Canvas Paper or Plastic What Works for Your Shopping Bag


There are three primary materials to work with when it comes to shopping bags: canvas, paper and plastic. Each material has its own ups and downs, so let's make a quick comparison and see which material will best suit your needs:


Most shopkeepers prefer doling out disposable plastic bags, but their reusable counterparts do exist out there. This is because plastic is a material that is waterproof, stain resistant and very durable. These qualities make plastic shopping bags great for carrying wet stuff like meat or better protect dry stuff from rain and mud. On the other hand, reusable shopping bags tend to melt quite easily. All it takes is a few loose ashes from a wayward cigarette to ruin your lovely shopping bag just like that. Thicker bags won't be damaged through and through but the end result can be pretty ugly. Plastic bags also don't decay like organic matter. It degrades and releases toxic substances that can be harmful to plants and animals alike if not properly disposed of - especially when burned outright.


Paper bags are quite frankly not designed with longevity in mind. Water tends to severely weaken even the toughest of paper constructs while sharp and pointed objects can make so very easily damage the bag itself. The process of making paper bags produces a lot of by-products and waste chemicals as well. Paper is, however, an excellent medium for art. So much so that they make for great gift packages during special occasions. Paper bags can also be reused over time as long as they are kept far away from moisture, although paper bags coated with a layer of plastic can offer some protection against water.


Canvas is a pretty good middle ground between plastic's durability and paper's potential for art. The canvas itself is a pretty tough material that can take a lot of punishment, from heat and pressure to slashing and piercing damage. The material itself is also pretty soft to the touch, which is a bonus for carrying it around since you don't have to worry about sharp corners poking you in the ribcage. Then canvas itself can last for a few good years as long as you don't fray the material and duly scrub out any stains that get through.

Keep these little bits of information in mind and you'll be able to make a better informed decision of whether you want your shopping bags to be in paper, plastic or canvas!

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